Barwon Heads Uniting Church


71 Hitchcock Avenue, BARWON HEADS VIC 3227 - Property No 229808


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

C Listed - Local Significance

The Barwon Heads Uniting Church building at 71 Hitchcock Avenue is aesthetically significant at a LOCAL level. It demonstrates original design qualities of the Victorian Carpenter Gothic style. These qualities include the central gable roof form, with a minor porch gable projecting towards the street frontage and transept gables projecting at the sides. Other intact qualities include the horizontal weatherboard wall cladding, galvanised corrugated iron roof cladding, timber framed and pointed-arch leadlight windows, pointed-arch timber entrance door, timber flying gable fretwork and finial. The Church building also makes a significant contribution to the single storey, pitched roof streetscape. The Barwon Heads Uniting Church building at 71 Hitchcock Avenue is historically significant at a REGIONAL level. It is associated with the development of the Methodist Church at Connewarre in 1873 and in Barwon Heads in 1891. The Church building is also historically significant at a LOCAL level for its associations with the Flinders Estate subdivision of 1887 and the Barwon Heads Estate Company Limited subdivision of 1891. The bell within the Uniting Church property is historically significant at a LOCAL level for its associations with the ship wreck, the Sussex. The Barwon Heads Uniting Church building at 71 Hitchcock Street is socially significant at a LOCAL level. It is recognised and valued by the local community for religious reasons. Overall, the Barwon Heads Uniting Church building at 71 Hitchcock Avenue is of LOCAL significance. It is highly recommended that a Conservation Management Plan be carried out on the property. Statement of Cultural Significance


1. Plan of the Flinders Estate, Barwon Heads, 1887, Geelong Historical Records Centre. 2. Barwon Heads Estate Company Limited subdivision plan, 30 March, 1891, Geelong Historical Records Centre. 3. J. Pescott, South Barwon 18571985, City of South Barwon, Belmont, 1985. 4. Drainage Plans and Inspectors Reports, 1978, 1994, Barwon Heads Sewerage Authority and Barwon Water, Barwon Water Profis system. 5. Geelong Advertiser, 6 January, 1923 amp 10 February, 1934. 6. Information provided in correspondence from Margaret Parry, Honorary Secretary, Barwon Heads Uniting Church, February 26, 2003.



