


Heritage Inventory Site

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The Mordialloc Railways Station Precinct is historically and archaeologically significant to the state of Victoria, and it also includes the architecturally significant Mordialloc Railway Water Tower, H2441. The original features of the Mordialloc Railway Station complex were constructed between 1881 and 1885 with additional features constructed between 1885 and 1930. There are numerous features of demolished railway infrastructure and buildings that make up the station archaeological precinct including turntable, sidings, platforms, buildings.

Furthermore, the Mordialloc Station Complex includes the McDonald Street interlocking gates, the McDonald Street Gatekeepers Cottage, the Bear Street Interlocking gates and the Bear Street Gatekeepers Cottage. These four features were constructed in the late 19th to early 20th centuries and were demolished at various times during the 20th century.

While surface features associated with the historical fabric of the Mordialloc Railway Station Precinct have been removed, subsurface components exceeding 75 years old are potentially present below the ground surface.
How is it significant?
There are numerous features of demolished railway infrastructure and buildings that make up the station archaeological precinct including turntable, sidings, platforms, buildings and the historically and architecturally significant Mordialloc Railway Water Tower, H2441 on the state register.
Why is it significant?
The Mordialloc Railway Station Precinct is associated with both the development of the Mordialloc area, ‘the boom years’ of the Victorian Railways, and the evolution of Victorian Railway technology. The precinct is related to the theme of Linking Victorians by Rail (3.3) as set out in Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes. Features present within the Railway Station Precinct have the potential to inform on the development and evolution of early rail in Victoria and the domestic and working lives of Victoria’s railway workers.


Transport - Rail


Rail Transport Precinct