House (rear)


25 Richardson Street (rear) BRUNSWICK, MORELAND CITY


Recommended for Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The rear of the house at 25 Richardson Street, Brunswick is significant. The rear elevation of the house, inclusive of the L-shaped verandah and paint scheme, is significant. The front portion of the house and interior is not significant.

How is it significant?
The rear elevation of the house is of local social significance to the City of Moreland.

Why is it significant?
The rear elevation of the dwelling is associated with the 1990 cult film, "Death in Brunswick". Set in Brunswick amongst the Greek community, the film forms an insight into multi-cultural Brunswick in the 1990s. As a result, it also has a special association with the post-war Greek migrant community. (Criterion G)


Residential buildings (private)

