



Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
'Gracedale', at 50 Elizabeth Street, Malvern, is significant. It was constructed in 1896 and comprises a single-storey residence built to a design of distinctive detailing representing the stylistic excesses and flamboyance of the late Boom period, despite being constructed several years after the economic crash.

The house features rendered masonry walls, an Italianate asymmetrical plan form with projecting rectangular bays, distinctive cast cement balustraded parapets and a return verandah. The front facade of the house is substantially intact externally, apart from the reinstatement of verandah iron in 1992. It is significant to the extent of the nineteenth-century form and fabric.

The modern rear addition and front brick fence are not significant.

How is it significant?
'Gracedale', at 50 Elizabeth Street, Malvern, is of local architectural and aesthetic significance to the City of Stonnington.

Why is it significant?
Architecturally, 'Gracedale' is a substantially intact representative example of the Boom-style houses constructed in Melbourne's suburbs in the late 1880s and 1890s. The house adopts typical Italianate features, such as the asymmetrical plan form, M-profile hipped roof (concealed), double-hung sash windows, and ornate entrance doors. It is one of a small number of nineteenth-century Boom-style houses in this part of Malvern. They were built as part of the development of Malvern from the 1880s as a fashionable and affluent middle-class suburb. (Criterion D)

Aesthetically, the house is distinguished by its boldly modelled balustraded parapet, with decorative cornice below, and the tall rendered chimneys with large cornice mouldings, corbelling and wythes. The highly decorative cornice of the houses has deep mouldings with modillions and a continuous frieze of cast festoons. The return verandah retains its ogee-profile roof. (Criterion E)


Residential buildings (private)

