75 Lord Street



File Number



Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?

The dwelling at 75 Fraser Street, Richmond, dates from 1889 and is a triple-fronted timber house with multiple hipped roof forms, and a canted bay on the south side of the frontage. The triple-fronted canted bay form, and the verandah which does not extend across to the bay, are part of the original design, albeit the current verandah has modern materials. The main windows are double-hung sashes, with those under the verandah having sidelights, as does the front door. The roof eaves are bracketed with pairs, with raised panels between each bracket. The front (west) wall is timber-clad in an ashlar pattern; there is a masonry dividing wall with a vermiculated lug on the south side of the property; and chimneys are unpainted stucco-covered with moulded cornices. While individually significant, this place is also within the Neptune Street Precinct.

How is it significant?

The dwelling at 75 Fraser Street, Richmond, is of local historical and aesthetic/architectural significance.

Why is it significant?

The dwelling at 75 Fraser Street, Richmond, is of local historical significance. It dates from 1889, is associated with the later development and consolidation of the eastern area of Richmond, and was also constructed at the end of a localised boom, whereby the number of houses in Richmond doubled in the decade of the 1880s. Unusually, Fraser Street had an earlier origin as Euphrasia Street in 1847, when several allotments were auctioned leading to some early building development on the street. The dwelling is also of local aesthetic/architectural significance. It is a substantially externally intact house, and singular in terms of the triple-fronted canted bay combination, which is unusual for more modest timber houses of this period. The free-standing masonry south wall, treated as a terrace divider with a vermiculated lug, is unusual. The window scale is also large for a canted bay dwelling of this period. Other elements of note include the pairs of bracketed roof eaves, separated by raised panels; the ashlar patterning to the timber cladding; and the unpainted stucco-covered chimneys with moulded cornices. The strong stepped form of the dwelling to Fraser Street enhances its presentation.


Residential buildings (private)

