Relova Redressing Laundry, former

Other Name

Relova Redressing Laundry


16 / 129 HODDLE STREET, RICHMOND VIC 3121 - Property No 324150

File Number



Rec for HO area indiv sig

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The former Relova Redressing Laundry was erected in 1937 to the design of Modernist architect, Walter Mason. Mason was a distinguished designer (see his own home at Mt Eliza and Taradale flats, 229 Brighton Road, Elwood 1936, all recommended for the heritage overlay).The design was in streamlined Moderne form, with one of the major elements of the building being boldly expressed as the rooftop tank in a large drum shape. The rest of the design stresses horizontality with its long cemented spandrels, relieved by tapestry brick blends, metal framed window strips and street side planter box. The rest of the building was more prosaic and has since been turned into apartments while the facade has been restored.

How is it significant?
The building is aesthetically significant (National Estate Register Criteria E1) to Richmond and the City of Yarra.

Why is it significant?
The former Relova Redressing Laundry is significant to the City and metropolitan Melbourne as
- a distinctive building type (industrial laundry) where the function of the building is used as a bold architectural expression; and
- as a work by the distinguished architect Walter Mason in his favoured Moderne style.


Heritage Inventory Site Type

