Cupressus torulosa

Other Names

Galla ,  Himalayan Cyress ,  Surai (Indian)


51-59 Russell Street,, WERRIBEE VIC 3030 - Property No T12155

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to lansdscape of historic garden, historic planting style
Outstanding size
Aesthetic significance
Curious growth form
Outstanding example of species

This pair of Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa) at the north-west gate make a significant aesthetic contribution to the immediate landscape of Russell Street. Their height-girth-spread dimensions make them prime specimens of the species within a suburban/residential environment. Planted on either side of the north-west driveway entrance to the property (Russell Street boundary) they stand guard over a culturally and historically significant residence set within a four acre 1940s arboretum-style garden.The east side specimen is unique due to its three massive ground-layered lower axillary trunks. These trunks begin at ground level and have grown upwards supporting their own canopy. The large rounded canopies of these specimens, along with the other mature trees accentuate the curves and ocean-liner shape of Arthur Pretty's 1940 Moderne inspired architecture of the residence.

Measurements: 25/04/2011 East-side specimen.
Spread (m): E-W 14.32;N-S 15.84
Girth (m): 2.6
Height (m): 17
Estimated Age (yrs): 70
Condition: Good

Access: Restricted
Classified: 25/07/2011


Parks, Gardens and Trees

