Guilford (Monserrat)

Other Names

Guilford ,  Monserrat


26A Wandsworth Road SURREY HILLS, Boroondara City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

26A Wandsworth Avenue is of local historical and architectural significance. Designed in 1889 by the architect George Jobbins as his own residence, the house is a representative and relatively intact example of a large single-storey Italianate designs of the later boom period, featuring distinctive and rich detailing. Though now on a reduced allotment and addressing a different street frontage, it also retains a generous garden setting. The house is relatively intact, other than for alterations of longstanding relating to the enclosure of the courtyard and the creation of a new entry on the north side of the house following subdivision of the original frontage to Mont Albert Road.


Residential buildings (private)

