Thomas Gaggin House

Other Name

Thomas Gaggin House


25 Alma Road CAMBERWELL, Boroondara City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

The Thomas Gaggin House is of local historical and architectural significance a representative and externally generally intact example of a substantial late Victorian Italianate villa, at a size comparatively rare in Camberwell. The Thomas Gaggin House is a skilled example of design in a two-toned brick Italianate style, typifying contemporary work by the prominent Melbourne architects Oakden, Addison and Kemp. The house is relatively conservative for their period, but its encircling and pedimented verandah hints at Queensland houses and reflects the growing emphasis on climatic suitability that accompanied the emergence of Federation architecture. The house has a rear vestibule resembling an enclosed kitchen court: this is quite rare in Camberwell (compare 28 Wandsworth Road,Surrey Hills). Though extensive alterations and additions have been made, other than for the modification of the front bay, these generally do not impact on the principal views to the house from the street.


Residential buildings (private)

