20 Rae Street


20 Rae Street HAWTHORN, Boroondara City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

No 20 Rae Street, Hawthorn, is of local historical and architectural significance. The house is a fine, representative and broadly externally intact example of a substantial and prominent late Federation villa on a large allotment. Historically, it dates from a period in the early twentieth century when subdivision of the large Rae family nineteenth century estate occurred. It also takes advantage of its double allotment, with wings and bays projecting to two elevations. If somewhat conservative for its period, the dwelling nevertheless exemplifies the major characteristics of the style: the return verandah, turret element at the verandah turn, complex roofscape with dormer balconies and anchoring of the verandah with projecting wings.


Residential buildings (private)

