Yarra Glen War Memorial, Avenue of Honour and Bills' Horse Trough


Anzac Avenue Yarra Glen, YARRA RANGES SHIRE

File Number



Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

The Yarra Glen War Memorial and Avenue of Honour are of high local significance as important memorials to local people who served in both World Wars. They are among the many similar memorials and avenues of honour constructed in rural and urban areas throughout Australia in the post-war years.

The Bills' Horse Trough, (with the smaller dog dish attached to it), has local significance as a reminder of the times when the horse was a major form of transport in both urban and country Victoria. The trough has historical significance for its associations with George and Annis Bill who provided these horse troughs for many country centres, concerned about the lack of drinking troughs for horses and the drovers dog.


Monuments and Memorials

