Lambeth Buildings, Shops


277 Victoria Street, ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067 - Property No 103955


Incl in HO area indiv sig

Statement of Significance

The following wording is from the Allom and Lovell Building Citation, 1998 for the property. Please note that this is a "Building Citation", not a "Statement of Significance". For further information refer to the Building Citation held by the City of Yarra.


The Lambeth Buildings, at 275-277 Victoria Street, Abbotsford, were built for James Phillips, an ironmonger, in 1886. The Rate Books for that year show Phillips as the owner of land and foundations valued at ₤40. The following year, Phillips is listed as the owner of two brick shops, each valued at ₤90. The first occupiers were John McCullaugh, a draper, and George Barks, a picture framer.


The Lambeth Buildings at 275-277 Victoria Street is a pair of double-storey shops and residences constructed of rendered masonry, situated at the corner of Park Street. The Italianate style building has moulded cornices and consoled blocks embellished with classical masks at ground at first floor levels. The building is surmounted by a plain rendered parapet and has rectangular pediments on the Victoria Street elevation, and obelisk-like finials on both street elevations. The pediments bear the words 1886 LAMBETH BUILDINGS in raised lettering. The shop windows to No. 277 appear to be original. The windows facing Park Street at ground floor level and all windows at first floor level are segmented-arched, double-hung sashes, with moulded architraves and bracketed sills. The Park Street facade is divided into three bays, separated by shallow pilaster strips. A smaller double-storey section adjoins the building to the north, with similar rendered details.

The original verandah has been removed, and a cantilevered awning has been added to No. 275. Various signs have been affixed to both buildings, and a modern shopfront inserted at ground floor level.


The Lambeth Buildings at 275-277 Victoria Street, Abbotsford, is of local architectural significance. The building is a typical and relatively intact example of a 19th century double storey shop and residence, which makes an important contribution to the streetscape.


Retail and Wholesale

