
4 HUNTER STREET,, RICHMOND VIC 3121 - Property No 200925


Incl in HO area indiv sig

Statement of Significance

The following wording is from the Allom and Lovell Building Citation, 1998 for the property. Please note that this is a "Building Citation", not a "Statement of Significance". For further information refer to the Building Citation held by the City of Yarra.


The terrace at 4-6 Hunter Street was built in 1888-89 on land owned by Thomas Hughes, which was valued at ₤6 in 1887. Hughes, a bootmaker owned and occupied a 4 room wooden house to the north, at No. 2, valued at ₤16. By 1889, Mr Dunning is shown as owning two 7 room brick houses, each valued at ₤44. The first occupier was William Bartlett, an engineer, at No. 6. In 1889, No. 4 was vacant. In 1890, the occupiers were Mrs E Thurley and William Bartlett. Thomas Hughes' adjacent house appears to have been demolished between 1895 and 1900.


The houses at 4-6 Hunter Street, Richmond, are two double-storey bichromatic brick terraces. Italianate in style, they have red brick walls with cream brick window dressings and string courses. Each house has a concave-profiled corrugated-iron clad verandah between brick wing walls with rendered copings and vermiculated consoles. There is no balcony. The verandahs have particularly fine cast iron lacework friezes. The simple rendered parapet of which the half at No. 4 remains unpainted has a cornice, but no pediment. Windows are timber-framed double hung sashes with alternating red and cream brick voussoirs.

The high brick fence is of recent construction.


The terrace at 4-6 Hunter Street, Richmond, is of local architectural significance. It is a relatively intact example of bichromatic brickwork applied to a building otherwise unadorned at first floor level. The two-storey pair is distinctive in a residential area otherwise developed with much more modest single-storey cottages. The significance of the pair is reduced by its high brick front fence.


Residential buildings (private)

